Hydroponic Garden for Affordable Organic Vegetables

Hydroponic Garden for Affordable Organic Vegetables

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Consumption, Production







Amount of time needed to accomplish your project

3 days

How difficult it is to implement your project


The problem

Our primary challenge was addressing the scarcity and high cost of organically grown vegetables.

The solution we used

To tackle this issue, we decided to experiment with growing fresh vegetables and salads on our own.


Solution Procedure:

Choice of Topic:

Initially, selecting a method for vegetable production posed a challenge. Ultimately, we opted for a hydroponic garden.

Original Plan and Modifications:

The initial plan involved using flowing water, but due to time constraints, we modified it. The final design featured a hydroponic system with stagnant water, suspending plants in smaller pots.

Purchase of Materials:

On the project day, three classmates were delegated to buy the necessary materials. They acquired items to construct the hydroponic garden according to our designs:

  • Clear plastic boxes to create space for the hydroponic system.
  • Styrofoam as a base for suspending plants over standing water.
  • Plastic folding shelves to support the hydroponic garden components.

Construction of the Hydroponic Garden:

In the school workshop, we collaborated to construct the hydroponic garden using the purchased materials. All components were assembled and suspended over standing water.

Planting the Plants:

After completing the construction, we planted lettuce and herbs in the hydroponic garden.

A Summary of the Activity

The hydroponic garden project was successfully completed within a tight timeframe. Despite the deviation from the original plan of using flowing water, adjustments were made due to time constraints. The outcome is a functional hydroponic garden offering the opportunity to grow a variety of vegetables.


As part of the project, students had to make rapid decisions and gather essential information about hydroponic systems and materials.


The project received positive feedback, particularly for the prompt response to plan changes and the successful implementation of the hydroponic garden. It showcased the team's ability to work collaboratively and solve problems within a limited timeframe.