Fruit garden

Fruit garden

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Consumption, Production


MMS Göllersdorf





Amount of time needed to accomplish your project

2 days

How difficult it is to implement your project


The problem

Too few fruit trees, vegetables and herbs in the school garden.

The solution we used

The purchase of two apple trees, several raspberry bushes and wild garlic cut from a private garden.


As part of this project, we decided to do something about long food transport routes. We have decided to plant two apple trees and a few raspberry bushes in our school garden. Hopefully we will be able to enjoy the fruits of our labour in a few years' time and save ourselves a trip or two to the supermarket. We also planted wild garlic in a shady spot and hope to be able to use it in one of our cookery lessons soon. With a lot of willpower and sweat, together with our helpful and interested class, we dug two large holes in the hard and sandy ground and were able to plant our apple trees.