Code of Conduct for Responsible Diners

Code of Conduct for Responsible Diners

strategy icon strategy icon strategy icon

Consumption, Waste prevention


Základní škola Jana Amose Komenského Karlovy Vary, Kollárova 19, příspěvková organizace




Karlovy Vary

Amount of time needed to accomplish your project


How difficult it is to implement your project


The problem

How to become a responsible consumer?

The solution we used

Recognise who is a responsible spender. Start with yourself. Education.


We prepared a project day, during which we created a padlet board with inspiration and information for everyone involved - teachers and pupils. 

We discussed the concepts of what it means to be a responsible consumer, what the different symbols on food mean, the nutri-score, we looked at the decomposition time of food, we looked at the composition of some foods (BOV - the sugar content of different drinks, the real colour of vinegar and coca-cola, we estimated the answers and then looked at the actual data, we worked on the topic visually (the creations decorate the school lobby and the canteen), we organised a cookery book exhibition in the school and a class competition - who can take away the most empty plates after lunch, we checked what snacks are offered in our snack machines.